Pink Trash Travels

PTT Discovers Pom Iced CoffeeX

Yesterday was a long day. I woke-up at 3:30, grabbed a cab by 4:30, was in Minneapolis by 7:30, had meetings until 2, returned to the airport, waited for my delayed flight, flew back to Chicago, ran through the airport, caught my plane to Miami, traveled three hours, landed in Miami at 10, and finally rested at 11. So, needless to say, because I didn't want to check baggage at any part throughout the day, my suitcase was fairly full. All of which means I didn't have room for my pre-workout beverage of choice. So today, before heading to Crunch fitness in South Beach (story to come), I tried Pom's new coffee beverage - specifically the Vanilla blend.

As described, "POMx Iced Coffee is one buzzy beverage. And with a daily dose of POMx – The Antioxidant Super Extract – it’s also one of the healthiest. In fact, when it comes to antioxidant power, nothing comes close to POMx. While POMx Iced Coffee is brought to you by the pioneering people behind POM Juice, there’s something you should know: our coffee tastes absolutely, positively nothing like pomegranates. That would just be weird."

It's an odd (but in a good way) mixture of flavors - a subtle coffee blend with hints of vanilla. Apparently, the pomegranate is only included in concentrated, tasteless form. So, you're getting the benefits of the fruit without the taste! I'm not sure how often I'd drink it, but for now, it's a nice change of pace.