Pink Trash Travels

In Memory

Because some have been surprised by the unfortunate news of Chris' mom passing, he wanted me to post the letter below. Also, in lieu of cards or any other sincere thoughts, he also wanted the money you'd spend to be forwarded to the Hospice that took care of his mom. Even a few dollars, the cost of a card, is appreciated by the Kansas City Hospice Center.

Dear Friends –

As many of you know, my mother Betty Young passed away last Monday, January 17th, she was 77. She had been battling lung cancer for the past eight months, and despite the aggressive chemotherapy treatments, the cancer spread. Her condition quickly worsened three weeks ago, which led to her passing peacefully at the Kansas City Hospice Center – where they gave her unbelievable care, treated her with tenderness and respect, and ensured she wasn’t in pain. She passed with all the dignity and peace she so rightly deserved, surrounded by her loved ones.

In respect to her wishes, there will be no public services. And in lieu of flowers and cards, we kindly ask you to donate that money to Kansas City Hospice Center so they can continue the unbelievable care and compassion shown not only to the patients, but to their loved ones who are there with them. If you wish to do so, a direct link is below along with a mailing address.

I can’t thank everyone enough for the time you allowed me to share with her over the past eight months – especially those moments during the past two weeks. For this I am especially grateful. Thank you all for your kind wishes and your unbelievable support.

Mailing address:
Kansas City Hospice Center
9221 Ward Parkway
Suite 100
Kansas City, MO 64114