Pink Trash Travels

Munich: Recap Day Two

Now that we're back from Munich, here's a recap of our our final apartment shopping day along with a few random thoughts regarding Munchen:

1) It looks like we've found an apartment. It's under construction so there's no pictures available. But with it being in the center of Munich, we couldn't say no to this two bedroom (or possibly three), two bath flat with an amazing outdoor terrace. Chris returns to meet the owner on Tuesday to discuss the contract as well as our request to reconfigure the layout. Because apparently in Germany, renters are allowed to change elements while under construction. I find it odd that an owner would permit someone who rents to comment on design. But in this circumstance, he's getting the benefit of two gay men's opinion - thereby adding value to what he previously suggested. In short, "You're welcome!"

2) Did I mention Chris' new boss looks like Uma Thurman while her husband speaks like Arnold Schwarzenegger? We had dinner with them on Thursday night and they couldn't be nicer.

3) German's apparently are very law abiding citizens. For example, when the cross walk signal is red, nobody moves. Even if the streets are blocked for miles, with no car in sight, the Germans still would wait for the little green man to appear. And if you ignore the signal, be prepared for those around you to yell nasty comments. It didn't happen to me, fortunately, when I crossed without permission. If I'm ever again impatient, and they do scream, I'll just pretend like I don't know what they're saying. Because most likely, I won't!