Pink Trash Travels

Nerves Kicking In

With my article in Instinct Magazine hitting mailboxes and newsstands this week, I'm a bit nervous. Not for the article itself. I know what I wrote. Instead, I'm unsure of the photos they used. And considering Chris and I have very few pictures of us together, especially on the streets of Paris, I had to submit one that wasn't my favorite.

In one of the photos, I feel as though my hair is a bit orange (from the reflection behind). Chris isn't quite happy with his image either. So here's to hoping they keep that shot small and use others that are more flattering - like my pose with the Queen of Hearts. I know, it's vain. But since some back home only get to see us once or twice a year in person, it all comes down to photography. And without hair and make-up, sometimes I'm not ready for my close-up Mr. Deville. Blame it on me freshly turning 36.