While having dinner tonight with our friend Peter, one topic of conversation was what Chris and I were going to do tomorrow. Being that it's a national holiday called "Day of No Work," many have the day off. Restaurants are closed. Retailers are closed. Even our gym is closed. Fortunately for us, the movie theatres are open. In fact,
Spiderman 3 begins tomorrow - three days ahead of the U.S. so we're going to the hot, steamy and most likely smelly cineplex tomorrow at 11:40 to be one of the first to see the webslinger in action. Peter of course couldn't understand the excitement. He's waiting for the DVD release - and even then he won't watch it until he's absolutely bored. His loss. I'm giddy not only knowing the summer movie season has begun but also that I get to see the film before everyone else back home. I guess that makes me feel special.
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