Pink Trash Travels

The Almost Amazing Spiderman

I love seeing a film on its opening day. The crowd is different than other times - they're more full of energy and excitement. Today's showing of Spiderman in Paris was no different. Someone came dressed like Spiderman and entertained the crowds. It wasn't even hot or smelly (something we've come to expect). Instead, it was a relatively pleasant day at the movies.

The film itself was pretty good. On a scale of 4 stars, I'd give the movie 3 1/2. It was a bit long. But the special effects are amazing (as they should be for $260 million dollars). The introduction of two new villains are handled nicely. But what we found most hilarious was a scene in a French restaurant where Peter Parker is trying to impress Mary Jane. It was a moment I couldn't have experienced watching it stateside as we were surrounded by 500 French citizens laughing along with us.

It may be one of the last films we see in Paris. As a result, I'm glad it's ending on a positive note rather than a nasty one (because over the past two years I've had many uncomfortable incidents at the French cineplex). Thanks Spidey.