Pink Trash Travels

What's Up with Us?

Now that our Euro Road Trip is complete, we're home for a few weeks. Well, I am. Chris leaves next Wednesday for Kansas City, then Tampa, followed by a few days in Chicago where I'm meeting him to look at houses. I wasn't planning on returning to Chicago until we had one or two solid house leads, but because he's going to be there, and there are a few options open to us, I decided to make the trek back home.

I arrive on Tuesday, July 22nd with Chris not far behind on Thursday. Friday we hunt for houses - hopefully finding one in the process. Saturday I leave for Houston where I'll see my brother and mom for the first in almost four years (sad, I know). I then return to Chicago on Monday for one week where I hope to (a) finalize remaining details on the house we want to purchase or (b) meet with prospective employers. I return on Monday, August 4th, unless there's reason for me to stay (again, house or job related).

Two weeks later, our globetrotting Xavier, who hangs with in St. Tropez with Clive, visits us with his boyfriend for a few days before departing for Berlin. One week later, we leave for Mykonos and Santorini. After returning on September 8th, friends from Milwaukee arrive for one week along with the Swiss correspondent followed by more friends from Columbus the first two weekends in October.

I suppose if we blink we'll be back in America, enjoying our new home, spending time with friends - Chris baking in the kitchen and I watching my backyard Koi. It will go that fast I'm sure.