Pink Trash Travels

On My Soap Box

Obama unveiled his $75 billion mortgage relief plan this week. And not only does it sound like it's going to cost tax payers more money, it's also now hitting us below the belt in regards to our stock portfolio. So quite honestly, I'm tired of the prospect of continually shelling out money to save what appears to be an unstoppable train. In that regard, call me a Republican of sorts.

And according to Obama, the mortgage relief plan will, "...rescue families who have played by the rules and acted responsibly," Obama said. "It will not rescue the unscrupulous or irresponsible by throwing good taxpayer money after bad loans." That, I seriously doubt and don't believe.

My question is this, "When and where will the bailouts stop?" It seems to be a never ending stream of bills. And for those of us who work hard to save and protect our investments by making smart choices, these rescue efforts are insulting.