Pink Trash Travels

The Party Bug

The summer travel season is fast approaching. Last year, it seemed we had something almost every weekend. This year, it's a bit different as we're moving the last weekend of May and settling in to Munich the first week of June. We have trips scheduled in July and possibly the last week of August, but something tells me the party bug may creep in and motivate me to go to other destinations like Madrid for Europride 2007.

The problem is, weekends such as Madrid's Pride are a lot of work - alot. Not only do you physically have to prepare yourself for pool parties, you have to understand you're in for one crazy and long weekend as events in Madrid don't get started until way past midnight. That's a big commitment for someone who, around the early morning hours, is watching Sex and the City while eating a small bowl of Special K.

So it seems as though my friends would be the deciding factor. If they were to join me from Chicago, I'd be inclined to go - so long as there was more than one. This way, I could easily duck out as they continue into the night. It relieves any pressure on me to keep going. And knowing me, I'd be back in my hotel looking for a bowl, spoon, and Sarah Jessica Parker way before the sun rises - an oddity in Madrid.