Eurovision 2007 - What a Hoot!

They’ve just recapped all 27 before the final votes are tabulated for presentation. After 15 minutes, it’s now the moment of truth. Who will be the names inside the 10 envelopes? In random order, the remaining finalists are: Belarus (cute singer), Macedonia (rubber act – or maybe leather), Slovenia (florescent opera singer), Hungary (strange little men), Georgia (Aguilera look-alike), Latvia (more opera), Serbia (odd lesbian), Bulgaria (outrageous rock band), Turkey (bouncy Oompa Loompa)…and the final entry is Moldova (the dancing vampires). There was no Norway, Switzerland and Denmark – all happy dance pop numbers I preferred. Oh well. Here’s to hoping my favorite from Russia wins it all with their Song Number One entry.
Check out Eurovision's website for all the latest news including complete list of finalists and how you too can watch this once-a-year spectacle.
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