Pink Trash Travels

My Publishing Quest

The fear of failure can be quite powerful. Over the past year, an idea for a young reader book has been percolating inside my head. I've let the details come naturally vs. forcing them into fictional box. Two months ago, the last missing details of my 100 page story came to me as I was locked out of our apartment. I was, however, afraid to sit down and start typing. What if all I could muster was the idea and not the words?

Last night, I decided it was time to put my fears aside and begin writing. As in many young reader titles, such as the inspiration for my book, Clemency Pogue: Fairy Killer, the prologue sets the stage for the adventure to come. So that's where I began. I'm not sure if that's technically correct, but one thing I do know is there are no set rules when being creative.

I don't think I crafted more than a 1/4 of a page of text. But seeing the words and the images they create finally come to life, I felt as though weights had been lifted off my shoulders. That's not to say the fear is completely gone. Will I be able to construct a hero's story - one that will peak the interest of publishers first and readers second? I guess my hero isn't the only one on a quest.