Pink Trash Travels

"Oh No You Di'n't"

I sure hope this isn't a sign of things to come. This past weekend, a storm blew through Munich - pushing open one of our balcony doors and causing water damage to the floor. Even though we just stopped by on Friday to measure for a refrigerator and look at the paint job, we're being told it's our responsibility because we took possession the first of the month. "Oh no you di-n't."

For starters, it wasn't until this week that the relocation company performed a walk through where papers were signed. In addition, with repairmen and painters in and out through the month, who's knows who didn't latch the door properly. My response to all of this, again, is "Oh no you di-n't."

We SHOULD NOT and WILL NOT be held responsible for something we didn't do. They're telling us it's "German law." So even if we didn't stop by on Friday, and we weren't managing the people coming and going because we don't arrive until the end of May, we're still accountable for the apartment? Finally, my answer, "Oh no you di-n't."