Pink Trash Travels

Club Fridays

At first, I found Kelly Clarkson's new song Never Again horribly lacking any hook or melody - which carried over into the dance remix by Dave Aude. But what I've found over the past two weeks is that Aude's version grows on you by supplementing the original with an enhanced chorus. As a result, it cracks Club Fridays. Link available here.

Taken from his sophomore album, Ne-Yo's Because of You moves him in a more pop direction - which is a good thing. And by combining his "MJ" vocals with a Sunfreakz production, the song nestles in for a long stay on T-dance playlists around the world. Link available here.

Please note: the songs featured on this site are notices to links only (and mostly unavailable for purchase). I do not upload any music - I merely share the links to tracks I find interesting and noteworthy. Should you care to have the material removed, simply send me an email.