After 8 1/2 Years...

In 2005, after moving to Paris, I started this blog as a way to keep in touch with friends and family. Over the years, my audience grew to include more than I originally anticipated - something I was always grateful for as it continued to reach people around the world. Even after returning stateside, I kept Pink Trash Travels going as thoughts in my head never seem to end.
But after 8 1/2 years, I've realized it's okay to end the blog. I have resisted for months, but last night, Chris mentioned to me that all things must come to and end - and that's okay. When one door closes, another opens. And with Facebook and Instagram, it seems the blog is ready for its last post.
So with that, I say so long and thank you to all of you who have followed along. I can't get but teary eyed when I write this as Pink Trash Travels is a piece of me I have difficulty silencing. But there's no time like the present.
Again, thank you. And may we find each other again soon.