Pink Trash Travels

Ben A as the B!

Ben Affleck was cast as the new Batman. And because of it, he's working out two hours a day to bulk-up for the role. Um. OK. Not gonna argue.

PTT Introduces U 2 Dylan Bruce

If you're like me, you've never heard of the BBC's "Orphan Black." As a result, I've never come across actor Dylan Bruce. That is until last night when he was on Chelsea Lately. Now it's my job to promote his hotness - especially in a simple T shirt. Get to know Dylan Bruce.

Born: Vancouver, Canada on April 21, 1980
Raised: Seattle, Washington
Height: 6'
Weight: Beefy
Eyes: Dreamy
Noted for: Small TV roles

Congrats Juan. Juan Pablo.

As I noted a few weeks back, ABC would be smart to cast Juan Pablo Galavis as the new Bachelor.  They must have read PTT because that's exactly what was announced last night.