Black Friday
Today is Black Friday - a day where retailers try to cash-in on the post Thanksgiving shoppers. It's also one where I contemplate the future of PTT. With a busy work schedule, Facebook, and Instagram, it's hard to keep up with the blog and social networks. So I find myself contemplating next steps with Pink Trash Travels.
Because believe me, there are plenty of thoughts still running around in my head. But now, I get sidetracked by personal and professional posts on outlets that drive business my way. And because I'm growing a business, that's where my focus lies currently.
So depending on how the next few weeks go, I'll decide how PTT should live within my universe. I suppose it's hard to think of stopping the site as it's been part of me for almost 8 years. So many memories - all of which means I'm sure it will continue but perhaps more sparingly.
PTT Likes Sean Carrigan
Yes, it's been a while since I last posted. But work is busy. And with my presence on FB and Instagram, it's hard to be social! But Sean Carrigan, included tonight on "Modern Family" as John, made me go looking for more. Turns out he's a Soap Star and is age appropriate - born in 1974. I'll take him.