New & Noteworthy: Villa Beats of Love
Now that radio has embraced pop/dance, it's just a matter of time before electro pop takes center stage (possibly a very long time but one can only hope). Beth Ditto could break through in 2010 with her solo release, and so could the likes of bands like Villa featuring The New Sins with their song Beats of Love. Check it out below.
And if you're in the mood for some updated soft sounds of the 70s (reminiscent of Barry White's Love's Theme, take a listen to Villa's re-edit of Agnetha Faltskog's Wrap Your Arms Around Me.
Bonjour A & F
Europeans still consider it a brand to wear (as witnessed in in April at the mall in Orlando for McDonald's Worldwide Convention). Americans, on the other hand, have realized the brand is a bit dated - especially for gay men. The smart ones know they need to stay away from anything sporting "A & F."
Uh Oh, Spaghettios
Jeremy Gerard, a seasoned critic and theater writer for New York Newsday and The New York Times among other places, expresses sentiments that don't flatter the show. While beginning his critical assessment by revealing that Broadway's most expensive show was "hardly the worst show of all time," Gerard declared that "It is, however, an unfocused hodge-podge of story-telling, myth making and spectacle that comes up short in every department." As for the hope that songs by U2's Bono and The Edge will save the day, Gerard wrote, "Bono and The Edge haven't a clue about writing for the theater."
Presenting "Men of Grindr"
Chris and I wanted to know what all the hoopla was about regarding Grindr so I signed up for the "geosocial networking application" for the iPhone. For those of you not in the know, Grindr allows users to access other gay men within close proximity - mostly for hook-ups. It makes having hook-ups quite easy I suppose. But for Chris and I, it gives us minutes of entertainment chuckling over photos men post to lure other men into their playground.
So tonight I told Chris, "I think we need to share these funny photos with the world." Of course, I'll do my best to hide their identity. After all, I'm not here to make anybody's life miserable. Quite the contrary.
Let's take a look at our first featured member. He obviously thinks this Yoga pose will gain him attention. I have a bigger question. Why are his feet so white? Maybe he should sit and rest to let the blood flow once again.
Beats 4 Mexico
Gym Tales
Don't people know if they shower at the gym with the door open they're immediately tagged as creepy? It's one thing to sneak into the steam room to perhaps cop a feel - for some reason because it's behind closed doors it seems less gross (that and most ARE trying to be discreet when doing so). It's another to completely ignore manners and flaunt yourself without shame (especially when most shouldn't).
Um No.
Some are calling Llia Darlin Europe's answer to Lady Gaga. Um no. Not even close. Terrible song. Dead facial expressions. Try again Europe.
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 25
And with noted, I wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, Peace on Earth and all that jazz.
Oh Ricky, UR So Fine
Check out Ricky's upcoming single, Shine (not only the music but the way the hot man moves). It's still not the best we've heard from him, but getting better. Maybe by the fifth or sixth release the music will be AMAZING.
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 24
My Day with the King
I arrived at the cineplex in Evanston around 2:00 for a 2:15 showing. I bought my ticket, made a quick stop at the restroom, and headed into the theatre. As I turned the corner to sit myself down, I was shocked to find the room almost full. So I worked my way to the back of the theatre and sat down. A few minutes later, I was flanked by older women who obviously took advantage of the $6.75 ticket price.
Within a few minutes, the elderly lady to my right started chatting me up. "Boy, trying to take off all these layers...and I'm from Florida." she said. Of course, I thought, "Oh dear." I smiled and turned my focus to my iPhone. Inside I began thinking, "Please don't be a talker or one of those old ladies who smack their dentures." In addition, I wondered, "How am I going to eat my kettle corn popcorn I brought from home or drink my mini Pepsi Max with these ladies so close by." There was barely enough room for me to breath let alone reach into a giant ziplock bag filled with treats.
In the end, I found time to munch through an exceptional movie. Colin Firth most likely will win a Golden Globe followed by an Oscar. And Geoffrey Rush was stupendous as well in a film that was both educational and moving. But the most poetic moment of the day happened in the men's restroom on my way out around 4:30.
An older man turned to me after going #1 and said, "I enjoyed that movie - especially because I lived in Germany during the war." "I just moved back from Germany - Munich," I replied. I smiled, washed my hands and walked out the door. I wanted to say more, such as "Thank you for your service," but I didn't want to have an extensive conversation in the men's room. His comment, and smiling face, was a wonderful end to my afternoon with King George VI, the elderly patrons and a snuck-in bag of Orville Redenbacher popcorn.
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 23
McDonald's Does Good
New & Noteworthy: Duran Duran All You Need Is Now
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 22
Our Kitchen Will B a Cover Model
The Editor of Old-House Interiors informed us today that our kitchen not only will be featured in the April issue of the magazine, but we also nabbed the cover! So I took to Facebook as well to share the news. I'm against self promotion, but in the words of Miley Cyrus, we thought, "That's pretty cool."
Hello Winter
Today is the first day of Winter? Really? Seems to me Winter kicked in December 1st when temperatures dropped into the 20s and haven't crawled out since. Combine that with snow on the ground for days and you can only imagine how many people in the Windy City are already going stir crazy - me included.
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 21
Spidey Goes Boom!
Understanding a Go Go
He wasn't trying to toot his (or our) horn, but rather he was just making a smart observation. And sure enough, he was right. The go go boys approached almost everyone in the bar except for us. "Who knew!" I said. I suppose it's because they believe the less attractive patrons are more willing to shell out cash for a little fun. After all, why should the pretty ones pay for it when they should be able to get it for free?
December Monkey Beats Has Arrived
New & Noteworthy: Elena Disco Romancing
Following in the footsteps of fellow Romanian artists Inna and Edward Maya (whose Stereo Love went big all around the world), Elena gets bouncy with her new single Disco Romancing. Those Romanians sure know how to dance! Check out the video below.
PTT Calls It
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 17
Favorite Facebook Friend Quote from Today
"So let me get this straight... Larry King is on his 8th divorce, Elizabeth Taylor is possibly getting married for a 9th time, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with everyone; and yet the idea of same-sex marriage is still going to destroy the institution ...of marriage? Really?"
Glad I Stayed Home - Burrrrr!
I was planning on going to Munich this week to join Chris for the Christmas markets. But when I found out how cold it was, I said forget it. Walking around the markets when it's freezing isn't any fun. And from the looks of it in this picture taken by a friend who works just above one of the popular squares, everybody agrees with me. It's too cold to enjoy!
Oh This is Good!
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 16
PTT Advent Calendar: Dec. 15
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 14
All Hail Queen Oprah (She Says)
About her trip down under she states, "I have named myself an unofficial ambassador for Australia and I have the biggest mouth on earth. I know that there's a lot of talk and concern in this country as to what this will mean for Tourism Australia. Let me just tell you -- this is the truth: It is immeasurable what four hours of a love festival about your country, broadcast in 145 countries around the world, can do."
Oh jeez Oprah, get off your high horse. Ride it off into the sunset to the Oprah network.
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 13
Why I LUV Alexandra Burke
She won X Factor in 2007 and I've loved her ever since. To celebrate the re-release her debut album, Overcome, she appeared on the semi-final of the UK talent show. Watch the clip below to not only see why she won, but to better understand why this year's contestants pale in comparison.
Remembering My Childhood
Christmas brings back so many memories. My mom baking peanut brittle. Hearing the jingle bells outside of my grandparent's front door. Lighting the artificial tree with stands of blinking lights - making sure they blink in harmony and without a dark spot on the tree. Opening our advent calendars we received from around the world as part of our World Book encyclopedia collection. And watching Santa's Workshop with KAKEman every day after school.
So when my cousin sent me a note telling me that Santa and KAKEman are returning to TV after a 30 year absence, I had to YouTube the classic series. Watching the clip made me smile and think happy thoughts - especially when KAKEman goes "zooming around the big wide world, zooming and zooming..."
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 12
The Pop Year in Music
For more on pop's comeback, check out THIS Billboard magazine article on the year in music. Interesting read. Perfect for parties.
I'm Hooked!
Ever since seeing a Mr. Bungle film in Pee Wee's Broadway show, I'm mesmerized by the post World War II Social Guidance films of the late 40s and 50s. Check out the one below on popularity. It has a lesson we all can learn - even in our 40s. "Girls who park in cars are not really popular."
Check back for more Coronet Films!
PTT Advent Calendar Dec. 8