Pink Trash Travels

Happy Memorial Day

It's nice to celebrate the Memorial Day holiday with friends and family outdoors, on the beach, and in the movie theaters. But let's not forget the true meaning of "Decoration Day" and celebrate those who've given their lives for our country.

Joining the Crazy Bus

Today, I officially joined the crazy bus. I found myself, with a broom in hand, yelling at the cottonwood tree in our backyard. It continues to drop cotton seed all over our garage and lawn. I also started cursing mother nature as the it hasn't rained in a week. And with the wind blowing from the East, all the seeds and pods go no where but straight down. Will it ever end?

Always Something

One of the benefits of owning a home is the ability to garden in your backyard. Of course, the flip side to this luxury is the pain associated with watching blowing cotton cover your grass and hydrangeas dying from what I learned today are leaftiers.

I thought my annabelle hydrangea leaves were "wilting" because the plants were thirsty at some point. Wrong. After opening a few leaves, I found little worms with brown heads who apparently like to "glue" foliage together for protection as they feed. "No wonder they look stunted!" I declared.

So away Chris and I went to the garden center that sold us eight of these defective plants. Fortunately, they provided an organic insecticide that should kill these little buggers (and of course, I mean this literally). Here's to hoping my spray will solve my problem so that my annabelle hydrangeas have the opportunity to rebound before fall hits - which in Chicago, could be next month.

And Still...It Snows

The drama still unfolds today as the wind died down. So away the cottonseed blows. Even so, we've decided to invite a few over on Monday for a Memorial Day BBQ. Hopefully the thunderstorms that are scheduled to arrive on Sunday night will happen - drowning the "snow" and making for a perfect holiday.

What We're Watching

The TV season was one reason I was very excited to return to America from living in Europe. I don't like to feel left out when it comes to pop culture. So information such as the top TV shows for those 18-49 intrigues me (the most coveted demographic for advertisers). Some programs rank higher than their actual total audience, but that's the power of the dollar.

American Idol Tuesday
American Idol Wednesday
NBC Sunday Night Football
Undercover Boss
The Big Bang Theory
Grey's Anatomy
Desperate Housewives
Two and Half Men
The Office
Dancing with the Stars
The Bachelor
The Biggest Loser
Hell's Kitchen
The Mentalist
Family Guy
Modern Family

Jillz Celebrates Ball Kicking

With the FIFA World Cup commencing soon, Netherland's Jillz thinks it's time to start celebrating Football with sparkling cider. Funny thing is, with their latest ad, who's going to argue?

Wanted: Warblers

I'm thinking there might have been an incident at our new bird feeder. For some reason, the song birds have stopped flying by for a bite to eat. I suppose they could have grown tired of the cotton as well. Either way, it's quite in our backyard. Where have you gone warblers?

Still Blowing

Unfortunately, it's still "snowing." But the good news today is that the winds are from the West. So, my neighbors across the alley are, so far, getting the majority of cotton this morning. Let's hope this continues throughout the day and that a thunderstorm rears its rainy head quickly - with winds from the West of course.

A Big Mess

Our 125 year old cottonwood tree in our backyard has begun it's spring fling. Take a look at how it's shedding at the end of the day. Pay particular attention to the ground. This build-up is just six hours after I used our leaf blower to send the stuff flying. One word, "UGH!"

PTT's Bachelor Bests

After two hours of scrubbing through ABC's The Bachelor, PTT has narrowed down the list of 25 reality star wannabes to the following three (with my friend Patrick agreeing with the top 2). Unfortunately, the pictures don't do them justice. Then again, they ain't Jake Pavelka. I'm just sayin'.

#1 Jesse

#2 Roberto

#3 Chris H

The Bachelorette Begins...Tonight

My friend Patrick just reminded me that ABC's The Bachelorette starts tonight. Here's to hoping their are plenty of hotties featured on the train wreck reality show. Check back later for my "Best Bachelors" selections.

Spring Photo Shoot

I love taking overhead shots of Whinnie. There's something about the way she looks at the camera - smiling with sparkles in her eyes. I'm thinking she'll be entered in a photo contest sometime in 2010. Only one with national support of course. She's no second rate contest winner.

So Long Lost

Tonight, to be part of American pop culture, I watched the last episode of Lost. I haven't devoted much time to the show in three years, trying on and off to give it another chance over the past two, but it never really stuck. So good thing ABC had a recap show for two hours prior to the series finale.

At this point, I'm still not sure what happened as the bright light and closing eye ended the show. I'm hoping someone clues me in. I do know this, however. If the producers wanted an emotional response, they got it. The last few minutes made me think of dear Maddie who passed away just before New Years Eve this past year. As a result, I cried for 15 minutes. Something tells me this isn't what they had in mind.

In Celebration of Pac Man Turning 30

I used to stay with my grandparents on the weekends when growing up in Kansas. Friday nights I'd watch Friday Night Videos on TBS and on Saturday mornings, before driving my 1978 Camero to my dad's bowling alley to work the concession stand (where I'd eat Twizzlers and glazed donuts from Lee's Thriftway), I'd watch cartoons - including Pac Man.

Just Because...

New & Noteworthy: Pina Colada Boy

Talk about a summer fluff pop song! Baby Alice's Pina Colada Boy could be the Macarena of 2010. Besides that, if a song like Alejandro can break into the top 10, why not one about a boy who serves cocktails? Check it out below.

Here We Come Pee Wee!

Yesterday, because Pee Wee Herman finally let us in on his big secret, I grabbed two tickets, 2nd row, for his New York Broadway show in December. Looking forward to it Pee Wee!

Who Knew?

I knew Chris liked country music, but I wasn't aware that he recorded a single and it was charting on Billboard's Hot 100. Maybe he's not in Europe but rather on tour across America - wearing a country hat and sporting a moustache.

Goldfrapp's Latest

Check out Goldfrapp's latest video for the single, Alive. It's Rocky Horror meets Twilight meets Olivia Newton-John's Xanadu and Physical. All of which is a bit funny as when I played Chris the track for the first time, he said it sounded like it came from the 1980 flick that's become a cult phenom.

Earning My Keep

Today I participated in Nike focus group in Chicago. So for just 1 1/2 hours, I earned $150 and a Nike gift certificate. What a deal! Besides that, I enjoy participating in these types of activities. I find it interesting to discover what Nike is trying to learn. And in this circumstance, it was also quite eye opening to hear how some consumers are extremely susceptible to marketing messages.

What Should Have Been

Today, Adam Lambert performed what SHOULD have been the first single pulled from his debut album, For Your Entertainment. The song, If I Had You, jointly produced by Max Martin, is an uptempo, energetic track with a crazy hook, line and sinker. Check out his performance below - including dance moves and all.

Just Because...

Forget the girl. Let's focus on Glee's Matthew Morrison in June's Vogue. I like the way he dresses on the show. And I like the way he looks without those shirts on his back. Sure, there's some airbrushing going on, but that's okay. I'm just sayin'.

Mucus Reading

I've been cooped up at home for almost two days now. I started getting sick yesterday - originally thinking my sore throat was the result of a fan blowing cold air on my face. Turns out I have an infection as my sinuses are now blocked. I've been downing German drugs, using Neti Pot, consuming Vitamin C and garlic, and drinking plenty of liquids such as cranberry juice, green tea and honey water all with the hopes of curbing a full blown infection. I think I might be winning the war.

I just secreted yellow mucus. Of course, I was worried this was just the next step before green. But according to internet research, yellow mucus is a good sign that my body is fighting off he infection. So I'm hoping with a good night's sleep, aided by Benadryl, I'll wake-up feeling 100% better. Well, at least 50%.

He Found Us

New Porch Floor

Even though we moved in just six months ago, we've already changed the master bathroom and now the front porch floor. Instead of having our contractor repaint the peeling wood, we opted to replace the boards with Trex. This way, we'll never have to repaint again. And with Chicago winters being so tough on front porches, that's a good thing.

Facebook Founder's Text Messaging

I've noted many times how I was thinking of jumping from Facebook. But in the end, it's an easy way to keep tabs on friends both in the US and especially overseas. But after reading THIS article, including text messages from the founder back when he was creating the shell that would become Facebook, I'm thinking maybe I should remove myself from the social networking site.

NBC Correspondent Eats It

Because I'm home sick fighting what appears to be a sinus infection, I was fortunate to watch live the clip below of a news correspondent, Mark Potter, swallowing a large bug. In two words, "Hysterical and gross." The slow motion capture is the best.

Quote of the Day

When asked today on The View about a gay rumor, Johnny Galecki had quite the eloquent response. Now I love your show, The Big Bang Theory, even more.

When Auditions Go Bad

I can only imagine how many bad audition clips, like the one below, exist in the world. You'd think we'd see more of them. I know I have a few somewhere - especially my audition for a news anchor position with some small TV station in Texas. I sat down, lost control of the teleprompter, and most likely provided the station laughs for years to come. Check out Chris Klein's audition below.

Marco Dapper is Back!

I featured Marco Dapper on PTT a few years back. So of course I was happy to see new images released this week of one of my all-time favorites. Check them out below. Delish.

New & Noteworthy: Edward Maya Stereo Love

When thinking of dance music, accordians don't initially come to mind. So it's a big surprise Edward Maya's Stereo Love uses the instrument so successfully. Check out the video to the song you'll be hearing throughout the summer - especially in Europe. And if you like the track, it's actually available on iTunes for purchase! And with European dance music, that's an oddity.


I've been wondering if the songbirds (especially the cardinals) were going to find their way to our backyard bird feeder. Tonight, I'm happy to report, a female cardinal landed in our oasis in the city. I'm assuming now she'll go spread the word.

Alexandra Burke's Broken Heels

Why Alexandra Burke hasn't broken stateside is beyond me. The UK's X Factor winner's debut release is filled with hit worthy material - including Broken Heels. Produced by Red One (Lady Gaga, Sean Kingston), the song is an uptempo thumper that definitely fits nicely with today's popular dance recordings. Check out the video below. And for all you radio programmers in the US, give Alexandra a spin. You're audience will thank you.

SNL Hits a Homer

I missed the SNL Digital Short below last night. I forgot to set the DVR before we headed to Darian for dinner with Chris' boss and wife. So I'm glad I found the clip on Hulu. Very funny (and probably because it exaggerates what we know second hand).

There are some dance tracks you know will never see the light of day in the United States. It's sad but true. So it's a good thing you have PTT to share with you those amazing recordings that deserve a listen. And by doing so, maybe, just maybe, they'll gain enough traction to capture the attention of record executives stateside. This boy band's latest, remixed by 7th Heaven, is a Euro pop dance treat you're sure to love this summer. So check it out HERE.

Just Because...

...summer is around the corner and we all need extra motivation to get in shape. I'd say this picture does just the trick.

Calling All Cardinals

Not only are we trying to create a backyard oasis for us, we're also thinking of the cardinals and other songbirds in the neighborhood. So we installed a two-tier fountain along with bird feeder. Now, we sit and wait for nature to find the fruits of our labors.

Hollywood Morals Clause

If you've ever wondered why many Hollywood actors stay in the closet, rather then exploding onto the scene declaring, "I'm gay!", read THIS article. It's a sad state of affairs but one that is purely based on protecting a business - a show, property, a brand. And in the words of Cyndi Lauper, "Money changes everything."

Gym Tales

Click to get cool Animations for your MySpace profile
Sometimes the littlest things can irritate you. For example, today at the gym, a member decided to remove the bottle of lotion from the counter and keep it to his side while he lubed up on a bench. For starters, the lotion is not yours. Secondly, must you lube so slowly? Nobody wants to watch.

Just Because

Russell's Morphing into John

Is it just me, or is Russell Crowe starting to look like Elton John? I realized it this morning when I spotted the Robin Hood star on The Today Show.

Late 2 the Party

After reading an article today on the foul words of a Newsweek writer, I discovered Cheyenne Jackson is gay. Who knew the star of Broadway's Xanadu and NBC's 30 Rock was family? Well, now that I know, I'm glad he is. :)

Setting Floogs Free

I've set Flooglehorn free. My Dr. Seuss inspired picture book for children ages of four to eight is now in the hands of a neighbor who used to be an editor with a big publishing house. If she likes it, we have plans to pass the book along to an agent for her hopeful undertaking of me as a client. Of course, I've played out how this story unfolds in my head - published book, merchandising, Nickelodeon cartoon, etc. Here's to hoping I pass the first hurdle with flying colors. If not, Flooglehorn is in for a long and winding road trip up a very steep hill - but one that can be conquered none-the-less.

Hair Yesterday. Gone Today.

I did it. My hair is now short and blonde. Gone are the long locks that started to make me look old and tired. Most agree it's a better look. If I find myself in front of the camera, I'll post a pic or two. But I'm thinking that won't happen for a while - perhaps a photo shoot in Mykonos?

This girl is getting plain irritating. I'm thinking we all need a vacation from Lady Gaga. I knew it would happen. Overexposure isn't a good thing. Just ask Cindi Lauper. I'm just sayin'.

Who is this CVS Carol Channing Look-A-Like?

She looks like Carol Channing. She talks like Carol Channing. But Super Saver Lillian isn't Carol Channing. Instead, the actress who plays Lillian is Lillian Adams. For more information on Lillian, visit HERE.

Mighty Fine Douche Bag

From what I've heard and read, Jesse Metcalfe is a douche bag. With that noted, however, he's mighty fine. Check out his spread from the UK's Cosmopolitan's Naked Centerfolds Special.

Happy Mom's Day!

I suppose I can say I wasn't the best kid to raise. After all, when I was in 6th grade, I declared to my mom that I wanted to live with my dad (as they divorced when I was two). But, all that's behind us now. And hopefully, we can look back on those days as instrumental in forming the man I've become today. So mom, on this special day, I wish you the very best Mother's Day.

Pink Trash Travels to: Frasca

Last night, Patrick, Randy, Chris and I ventured out to Frasca Pizzeria and Wine Bar. As such, I can honestly say the laid back, young and refreshing restaurant is my new favorite in Chicago. There was something about the place - a great vibe, tasty food. I'd recommend the Rigatoni as it was loaded with sausage, green peas, mixed in a light red cream sauce. Check them out HERE.

Miley Does Britney - And I Like It!


This morning, my Yahoo! email account was hacked. So, sadly, the virus sent the following note to all my contacts. Of course, I quickly began to worry about how some might perceive the blip (especially those who I've been in communication with about possible jobs). "I sure hope they don't think I wrote this!" I thought. "Because it's just bad English."

Hey,good news!
I ordered one black apple iphone 3gs 16gb from this website one weeks ago, today I've got it . Amazing, beyond my imagination, it's genuine and as good as expected,but much cheaper. I'm pleased to share this good news with you! May all goes well
for you

A few replied with, "Thanks for the note. I'm actually looking for an iPad." Really? Didn't you think it was odd when the letter ended with, "May all goes well"?

Flash Mob Goes Dance

Check out a Lady Gaga Flash Dance Mob in Sydney. You have to appreciate a city that embraces a drag spirit - that and who can support a Deborah Cox appearance. Chicago, where is our dance party?


Iron Man 2 Opens Big!

I'm not sure if we'll be seeing Iron Man 2 this weekend. But part of me wants to as it's the unofficial start of summer and I like to be part of pop culture. And considering Iron Man 2 has the widest release in history (more theaters than The Dark Knight), and the film has grossed over $132M in over 53 countries as of Friday, May 7, it's hard to say no. But the crowds scare me a bit. I don't want to be irritated by someone talking next door and eating popcorn like a cow.

Now that my gig with McDonald's has ended, I'm onto the next big thing. So, I've been spending this week redesigning my website - updating my portfolio, etc. Check me out: That, and pass my info along to anybody needing a, "17-year creative thinker who provides strategic solutions to marketing opportunities."

Wow, Mickey!

Check out this video of a new Mickey Mouse costume. My how far they've come since I dressed as Wally Warhead in 2004, in 98 degree weather, at Navy Pier, in Chicago. Terrible on so...many...levels.

"Take me up. Take me higher. I'm higher. This is me on you." I don't know what's in the water over the past few months, but the circuit tracks are storming the clubs. Take this track remixed by EA. The beat is sick and thumps along with vigor. "Take me up, up and away. This is me on you." I can barely stand it. Seriously. So if you want a listen, push the button I say. PUSH THE BUTTON.

Note: PTT doesn't upload any music - only sharing readily available links for promotional purchases only.

Here We Go Again

It was bound to happen sooner or later. My hair drama has returned. After a day of limp locks (combined with comments from last night's American Idol pool dinner party), I'm contemplating on returning to a short doo - though caramel blonde and not brown (somewhat like Curtis Stone). I'm giving myself a day to contemplate, but most likely my stylist, Lee, will be getting a call tomorrow.

I'm sure many have plans to drink today as it's Cinco de Mayo. Chris and I, on the other hand, will be celebrating with a healthy taco salad tonight for dinner. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

CVS and Carol Channing

My REFERENCE to Carol Channing's double in the CVS commercial below has brought a slew of visitors to my blog. Who knew Super Saver Lillian would be so popular on Pink Trash Travels? Either way, I think we all can agree, her coupon saving tips are hard not to watch. Because if you're like Chris and I, you can't help but think, "Is this like a Snuggie commercial? Bad on purpose?"

Just Because

Maksim Chmerkovskiy

I've been sipping Diet Dr. Pepper lately. And every time I do, I'm transported back to the summer of 1982 when I worked at Putt-Putt Golf in McPherson, Kansas and Eddie Grant's Electric Avenue ruled the charts.

I ran the counter where you select your ball color and putter. In addition, I sold grape and limeade slushies, candy bars, snack chips, and pops - including Dr. Pepper. Sure, in 2010 it's diet vs. regular, but with the new formula, you can't tell the difference. I'm just sayin'.

If you're a fan of the house of Gaga, this week's Club One is for you. Check out the latest remixed by the UK based dance production team known as Bimbo Jones. Take a listen HERE.

Note: PTT doesn't upload any music - only identifying where links are readily available for the music noted.

Summer Motivation Series

With the official start of summer just four weeks away, it's time to begin PTT's motivational series. Not only do these men provide a much needed push towards a lean and mean season, they will make most of us happy on a slow and grinding Monday.

Pink Trash Travels to: Taco Bell

As I've driven by Taco Bell this month, I've seen window decals featuring the new Tortada. So of course I had to try Taco Bell's version of a sandwich today as it's Fat Sally Sunday. Too bad I didn't drive by faster as I could have avoided the eventual purchase of this bland product. The chicken Tortada, two tortillas grilled together and filled with lettuce, tomatoes, and very little cheese, was without flavor. Boring. So I won't make that mistake again. Perhaps the Bacon Ranch would have been better?